Jekyll Island, GA 2007

Reunion Photos

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Well, another Sirney Family Reunion has come and gone. We all had a great time. The weather cooperated for us. Even though this was one of the lowest turnouts we had, there were still 56 total attendees.

As you can see, there are links to photos I took at the reunion. If anyone has any photos they would like to share, just email a copy, scan then email a copy or if you have your own website send me the link to it and I'll include it. You are free to download any of the photos.

It was great to see family members we haven't seen in quite awhile. We even got to meet some we hadn't had the privilege to meet before. The one person not very many of us had met was Marjie, Uncle Jack's new wife. She is a very special and wonderful person.

Prizes were awarded for the most recently married, first to reserve a room and the furthest miles traveled. Well the most recently married couple just happened to be Uncle Jack and Marjie. The first to reserve a room and the biggest room (Governor's Suite) were the Ron Sirney family and the families who traveled the furthest were, from the Sacramento, CA area, (Charlotte's family) Jeff Klinzing, Alicia and Dave Stewart and Jessica, Santiago, Anthony and Alexis Sierras. Cathie was really gracious and awarded each of the families a wonderful prize. All but myself got a gift basket. I got a great book of fiction center around Jekyll Island.

After dinner, Cathie made us use our brains. She came up with a quiz that made us read each of the family histories that were written and sent to her prior to the reunion. There were two winners and they weren't announced until the Family breakfast the next morning. The winners were: Liz McMeekin and Beth Sanderson.

Uncle Rich and Aunt Lois were to attend but had to cancel due to health reasons. Their son Rick and his family were also going to attend but one of Rick's daughters had her back surgery rescheduled around the same time as the reunion, so they had to cancel also. Our hearts and prayer are with them all.

List of Attendees:
Barbara & Randy Bell

Claudia & Bill Cunerty

Cynthia, Rudy & Tony DeCanio
Matt DeCanio & Heather Carroll (Matt’s girlfriend)
Ellen Flemma
Betty Fusan
Abby Harper
Millie & Matt Hawkins
Jeanne & Rick Jones
Jeff Klinzing
Debbie, Terry & Justin Marxen
Shannon McDonald
Liz, Tom, Christine & Laura McMeekin
Beth, Angie & Katie Sanderson
Jessica, Santiago, Anthony & Alexis Sierras
Peggy & Tim Simmons
Marjie & Jack Sirney
Marie, Don & Jennifer Sirney
Gloria, Ron & Chris Sirney
Sandy & Bill Solyan
Alicia & Dave Stewart
Heather Tatum & Brian Paull (married)
Kris & Hunter Tatum Cathie & Spud Tatum
Andrea, Bob, Cherilyn & John Teague