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Below are the newest additions to the Sirney family. Click on the highlighted name to go to their pictures.

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Baby Girl Paull born 10/12/2012 to Heather Tatum and Brian Paull.

Ethan Russell Killingbeck born April 9, 2010 at 10:33 pm to Breanne Killingbeck and Shaun Scott.

Alexa Lauren Fincher born 3/22/10 at 1:19am to Cheryl and Justin Fincher.

Ashton Alden Paull born on March 20, 2009 at 2:42 pm to Heather Tatum and Brian Paull.

Jocelyn Archer Early born on February 1, 2008 at 10:25 pm to Kelly and Cameron Early.

Hailey Madelyn Fincher born on July 12, 2007 at 4:58 am to Cheryl and Justin Fincher.

Emerson Lyn Monnie was born Friday June 2, 2006 at 4:05 pm to Carrie and Marcus Monnie.

Kaylynn Marie Kanabuchi Sirney born February 27, 2006 to Jonathan and Jennifer Sirney.

Alexis Marie Sierras was born December 30, 2005 to Jessica and Santiago Sierras. I would include photos if my niece or my sister would send me some. I finally received one.

Caydi Caraccioli newest addition to the Lance and Nicole Caraccioli family. Born October 25, 2005.

Jamison Laswell Early born August 2, 2005 to Kelly and Cameron Early.