Miscellaneous Photos

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These are a few miscellaneous photos I took while Alicia, Dave, Jessica and I were in

Pennsylvania for the 2003 Family Reunion.

Homestead Panorama.jpg (714597 bytes)


Bob Sirney Family.jpg (365833 bytes)      image_24239375200371423253.jpg (423175 bytes)      image_24239371200371423252.jpg (391053 bytes)


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image_24239363200371423251.jpg (296660 bytes)      image_24239362200371423251.jpg (532107 bytes)      P6270040.JPG (651948 bytes)      P6270041.JPG (652704 bytes)

image_242394792003714225221.jpg (319280 bytes)      image_242394862003714225222.jpg (544828 bytes)      George Fred Jeff.jpg (560838 bytes)      image_242394902003714225222.jpg (407550 bytes)      image_242394882003714225222.jpg (568553 bytes)


Uncle George & Aunt June and Uncle Fred Klinzing

image_242394272003714225828.jpg (284810 bytes)      image_2423933520037142385.jpg (299936 bytes)      image_2423933620037142386.jpg (281260 bytes)      image_2423933720037142386.jpg (320682 bytes)      image_2423936020037142388.jpg (537238 bytes)

P6150023.JPG (307488 bytes) PC180015.JPG (362442 bytes)
Linda & her family


Jeff & Linda