Kaylynn Marie Kanabuchi Sirney

Born on February 27th at 3:29pm, at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, weighing 5lbs 13.5 oz and 19.5 inches long.

Part of an email Aunt Lois sent me is at the bottom of the page.

Picture description is below the full size photo and click on gray arrow to right of small photos to see more.


5lbs 13.5ozs

Typing all of those email addresses was almost as exhausting as Jenn's labor!  I'm sure Jenn might disagree with me as she was in labor just short of 22 long, painful hours.  I was there for it and I've got the nearly broken knuckles to prove it, not to mention I think I just realized that my sleep schedule will never be the same again (sigh).  But it's all worth it, I was able to see my little girl born and despite the long drawn out labor, it only took Jenn 29 minutes to push her out.  As soon as they gave her the word, she was ready.  As for now, things are going all right.  Jenn and Kaylynn have yet to come home from the hospital.  At first, Kaylynn was showing signs of a blood infection, as she was in the womb for 20 more hours after Jenn's water broke.  Her white blood cell count was a little high and her CTR tests came back negative.  The doctor also said that she had 18 bands instead of the normal 12.  I think I understood what she was saying then, but I sort of lost track of time and what exactly she meant by "bands".  Currently however, the blood cultures have since come back negative and Kaylynn is doing all the stuff normal, healthy little girls do (including peeing and spitting up on her Mom).  Unfortunately, Jenn has had a fever since a few days ago and even spent a night in the emergency room leaving Kaylynn and I all alone all night (literally).  She was diagnosed with an infection in her uterus and is currently not enjoying her extended stay in the hospital.  As a precaution, the doctors are still giving Kaylynn antibiotics as well until her Mom is discharged, which will probably be some time this weekend.  Everything is fine and looks good.